Examining the Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in Iranian MA Applied Linguistics Theses

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 196

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 شهریور 1400

چکیده مقاله:

One of the most salient written academic outputs a university student has the opportunity to create is a thesis which is regarded as “a complex student-produced research genre” (Lee & Casal, ۲۰۱۴). In order to compare the rhetorical features and preferences of distinct discourse communities and evaluate academic writing, a special and long-term attention, on the part of the writers, is required for analyzing the metadiscourse features of the texts (Hyland, ۲۰۰۴). To this end, the present study examined the differences in the use, type, and frequency of interactional metadiscourse markers in theses written by M.A. applied linguistics graduates including ۱۰ males and ۱۰ females from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. The selected corpus was analyzed using Hyland’s (۲۰۰۵) interactional model of metadiscourse. The data were explored through a manual corpus analysis method using Adobe PDF reader software. Moreover, a Chi-Square statistical measure was run to examine whether there were any significant differences in the use of metadiscourse markers in different thesis chapters and across different genders. The results revealed that although there were some subtle differences in the frequency and types of these metadiscourse markers, there was no statistically significant difference between two genders in the use of interactional metadiscourse markers. Besides, it was concluded that there was a significant relationship between the chapters of theses and the use of metadiscourse markers. The findings of this study render some pedagogical implications for writing courses at M.A. and PhD levels in the realms of TEFL and ESP.  


Saeed Rezaei

Assistant Professor at Sharif University of Technology

Masoumeh Estaji

Assistant Professor at Allameh Tabataba’i University

Mahdi Hasanpour

MA Student at Khatam University, Tehran

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