Effects of different livestock grazing intensities on plant cover, soil properties, and above and below ground C and N pools in arid ecosystems (Jiroft rangeland, Iran)

  • سال انتشار: 1400
  • محل انتشار: مجله تحقیقات منابع زیست محیطی، دوره: 9، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_IJERR-9-1_002
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 182
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Z. Moghbeli

M.Sc. Student of Range Management, University of Zabol, Department of Range and Watershed Management, Zabol, Iran

M. Ebrahimi

Associate Professor, University of Zabol, Department of Range and Watershed Management, Zabol, Iran

E. Shirmohammdi

Assistant Professor, University of Zabol, Department of Soil Sciences, Zabol, Iran


This study was conducted in Jiroft rangeland, Kerman, Iran to assess the effects of different livestock grazing intensities (low, moderate, heavy) on ecological factors, soil properties, and root and shoot carbon and nitrogen pools. In each plant sampling site, five points were selected and five quadrates (a total of ۷۵ quadrats) were investigated. Soil surface samples were taken in quadrats (۷۵ samples). Data analysis was carried out by analysis of variance (SPSS۱۸.۰). Findings indicated that canopy cover (۴۶.۲۳%) had the maximum level in the low grazing site. The diversity index was maximum in the overgrazed site (۱.۶۳), while the low grazing site had the minimum species diversity (۱.۲۷). In the three sites, the nitrogen and carbon pools were higher in the roots compared to the shoots. In the low grazing site, the plants' nitrogen and carbon pools were notably more than the heavy and moderate grazing sites. Potassium (۶۱۲.۸۷ mg kg-۱), nitrogen (۳.۳۰ g kg-۱), and organic carbon (۳۹.۲۰ mg kg-۱) were considerably higher under heavy grazing conditions. However, the low grazing condition resulted in notable enrichment of phosphorus (۱۱.۴۴ mg kg-۱). The soil nitrogen and carbon pool in the overgrazed site were higher. In spite of the fact that the soil nutrients in the heavy grazed site were higher because of livestock manure; we could not interpret it as greater soil fertility. Our results suggest that low grazing can be effective for managing plant community and soil quality in arid ecosystems.

کلیدواژه ها

Plant–soil interface, Carbon and Nitrogen storage, species diversity, Soil fertility, Arid rangelands

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