New Product Development for Food Restaurant: Competitive Advantage for Food Entrepreneurs

  • سال انتشار: 1399
  • محل انتشار: فصلنامه روشهای تصفیه محیط، دوره: 7، شماره: 4
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JETT-7-4_025
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 181
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Adisak Suvittawat

School of Management Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Thitima Maneenuam

School of Management Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Thananphat Bunliang

School of Management Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand


The objective of this research is finding the variables which effect on new product development variables and customer satisfaction of new product development for food restaurant by using marketing mix model in Nakhonnayok Province of Thailand. The results find that product perspectives, Mean product perspective is ۴.۲۸ and S.D=۰.۶۶. Based on the food taste is important, food quantity affecting purchasing decision, beautiful containers of food and food safety is important. Mean price perspective is ۴.۱۲ and S.D=۰.۷۴. Based on price is a factor in making a purchase decision, food quantity is a worthiness, food quality with reasonable price and price is acceptable. Mean of place perspective is ۳.۹۴ and S.D=۰.۷۳. Based on comfortable travel location, leisure environmental location, the restaurant decoration is beautiful and restaurant has internet access. Mean of promotion perspective is ۳.۷۱ and S.D=۰.۸۵. Based on restaurant has online advertising, restaurant has regular promotions, service while customer use the service and restaurant provides customer experience. The results of customer satisfaction for new product development are Mean=۴.۱۷ and S.D=۰.۶۷ Mean product perspective is ۴.۱۸ and S.D=۰.۶۷. Based on the taste of chicken meat, side dishes are appropriate, food quantity is appropriate and good food decoration. Mean price perspective is ۴.۳۰ and S.D=۰.۶۳. Based on price is a factor in making a purchase decision, food quantity is a worthiness, food quality with reasonable price and price is acceptable. Mean of place perspective is ۴.۲۲ and S.D=۰.۶۳. Based on comfortable travel location, leisure environmental location, the restaurant decoration is beautiful and restaurant has internet access. Mean of promotion perspective is ۳.۹۸ and S.D=۰.۷۶. Based on restaurant has online advertising, this menu has regular promotions, service while customer use the service and this menu provides customer experience.

کلیدواژه ها

Customer satisfaction, Food entrepreneur, New product development

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