The Symbolic Alloys in the Poem of Mohammad al-Faitūri; (An Analytical Approach to his Resistance Poem)

  • سال انتشار: 1398
  • محل انتشار: فصلنامه ادب عربی، دوره: 11، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JALIT-11-1_012
  • زبان مقاله: عربی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 292
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محمدحسن امرائی

استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب دانشگاه ولایت


This article investigates the meaning of the symbols of resistance in the poem of Mohammad al-faitūri (۱۹۳۶). The poet has used many symbols and signs for his warrior purposes. and has sought to invade the Arab real existance of the Arab world through the Arab magnificent and brilliant past from the ravaged and repressed contemporary world. and liberate it from its long-awaited pudle life to promote and guide the Arab community through these symbolic components. From this point of view, we can say that these symbols in his poem are full of inspirational themes and deep implications of internal text, and as a result, numerous interfrence of these symbols and encodings can be presented; By investigating his poetry it can be find that he is cleverly try to link his Islamic and Arabic society heritage to the conflict in the contemporary world. This discussion begins with the preconditions that are required in accordance with the principles of modern writing. Then. they deal with different symbols of resistance and their artistic alloys in faitūri's resistance poetry; so far, we divide these symbols into five main sections: ۱. Religious symbols ۲. Historical symbols ۳. Mystical Symbols ۴. Urban and national symbols ۵. Sparse symbols that can not be categorized as single title. This article with a descriptive-analytical approach aims at precede the symbols of the axis and objects with the focus on the most important properties of the symbolic elements of faitūri's poetry. Most noteworthy achievements in this article are that the poem of faitūri goes beyond the borders of Africa and his issue is not only Africa but also includes all Muslim nations. In the poem of resistance he has used religious and historical figures cities and various countries to express his revolutionary thoughts. these symbols have played an important role in provoking the spirit of revenge and in ignite the flames of resistance in the sentiments of the public. The symbols used in faitūri's poetry are often proportional to the problems that experienced by Arab countries to the extent that they are inspire by these symbols in the fight against autocratic and authoritarian regimes.

کلیدواژه ها

الشعر العربی المعاصر, الدلاله, الرمز, الادب المقاوم, محمد الفیتوری

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