The Seven Languages of The Seven Continents

  • سال انتشار: 1399
  • محل انتشار: سومین کنفرانس بین المللی مطالعات زبان و ادبیات
  • کد COI اختصاصی: CELPA03_002
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 314
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Mehrdad Jazayeri

Faculty of Foreign Languages, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The Seven Languages of The Seven Continents to Ensure Your Global Success There are more than ۷,۰۰۰ different languages spoken around the world. If you are a company wishing to expand your global reach by translating your website and apps into other languages, you might find this fact to be alarming. Translating your content into ۷,۰۰۰ different languages would indeed be a daunting task. However, be assured that you can get by with the far more reasonable number of seven. These are the seven main languages spoken in those countries comprising the organization known as the Group of Seven. (more commonly referred to as the G۷). What is the Group of Seven (G۷) ? The Group of Seven (G۷) is a group made up of the following member languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, German & Italian. These languages, described below, are not only spoken in the G۷ countries, but also in many other countries and regions around the world. Language is a vital tool for communication. It is not only a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it builds friendships, economic relationships and cultural ties. A Language shapes the way people perceive the world and it also helps to define culture of any society. Any language is a gift the knowledge of more than one language makes a man more efficient and skilful in many ways. It opens our minds and guides us into a magical world of fancies and dreams. To certain the proper learning of language helps us to develop ourselves, our minds, and also our personality. Human language is unique because it is a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited for some people English has been the considered to be the first global Lingua Franca. In today’s modern world the English language has become part and parcel of every existing field. It has been an international language of communication, business, science, information technology, entertainment and so on. Earlier everyone is considered to be literate by their degrees and diplomas, but the knowledge of English language makes an individual literate in today’s world. Though many countries do have English as their native language, those who have the command over the English Language are considered and respected as highly educated. Moreover they ocean of career opportunities are opened to those English speaking people anywhere and everywhere. It has become the working of English and also an inevitable requirement for a number of fields, professions such as computing and medicine. In today’s world of globalization, we have to get knowledge of advanced technologies and all kinds of branches of Science. There is an urgent requirement of such a common language which can be understood by youth all over India and the language in which all data and information is available. Moreover English language becomes a store house of social and political knowledge. The most recent and the most sophisticated discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. Another important point to take in consideration is that knowing foreign languages helps you to make new friends and meet some intresting people. It is becoming really common to find fiscinating social network where you can interact among other people coming from different countries.

کلیدواژه ها

Language, Lingua Franca, Communication, Culture, Country

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