Using colloquial adages in Alsharawi's explanation

  • سال انتشار: 1399
  • محل انتشار: مجله آفاق الحضاره الاسلامیه، دوره: 23، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_AFAGH-23-1_009
  • زبان مقاله: عربی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 164
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Sayeed heydar Fare shirazi

استاذ مشارک فی فرع اللغه العربیه وآدابها بجامعه خلیج فارس.

Ahmad Heydari

طالب دکتوراه فی فرع اللغه العربیه وآدابها بجامعه خلیج فارس.


The verse of Qawamiyat is one of the key verses of the Qur'an about the "position of women" in the family and society. The anthropological foundations of the commentators are very effective in interpreting this verse and the rules of jurisprudence, law and social, economic and political laws. The views on the concept and scope of "Qavamite" and "grace" in the verse are different. The obvious view of the example of grace is the issue of "intellect". This study examines the foundations of contemporary commentators on the difference between the intellect of men and women, using a descriptive-analytical method based on anthropological principles, and after evaluating the findings, concludes that not only is there no defect in the innate intellect of women; Rather, it is the same in terms of human essence as man. The difference is in the type of intellect and reason in the executive arena. Natural and environmental barriers have been effective in the intensity or weakness of this power; As a result, masculine nature has surpassed feminine nature in the issue of reasoning.

کلیدواژه ها

التفسیر المعاصر, تفسیر الشعراوی, المنهج التفسیری, الأمثال العامیة

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