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Mediterranean marine fisheries management

عنوان مقاله: Mediterranean marine fisheries management
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICFAR04_104
منتشر شده در چهارمین کنگره بین المللی تحقیقات شیلات و آبزیان در سال 1399
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

F Kies - Dipartimento di scienze dell'ambiente e del territorio e di scienze della terra, Universita degli studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, ۱ - ۲۰۱۲۶, Milano, Italy.
P.R De los Ríos-Escalante - Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Químicas, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Casilla ۱۵-D, Temuco, Chile.Núcleo de Estudios Ambientales UC Temuco.
M.J Zorriehzahra - Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Tehran, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
The Mediterranean Sea is a hotspot of biodiversity. It hosts approximately 7–10% of the world‟s marine biodiversity and it holds a high percentage of endemic species. Mediterranean fisheries are characterized by relatively small vessels, multiple landing sites, multispecies catches with low CPUE and relatively high prices. This research aim to assess the negative effects and giving the answer on how Aerogenerator monopiles as artificial reefs – mitigation, compensation or problem source? The Common Fisheries Policy in the Mediterranean has been characterized by a suite of technical measures that have been maintained relatively stable for a long time. Meanwhile, fishing mortality has increased over the last decades due to the notable improvement of engines, fishing gears and other technological devices that have resulted in a larger catchability. When fleet profits have decreased in the past, fishing mortality has been adjusted with a fleet reduction. In the Mediterranean, Italy is the main producer (22 percent). The new multi-annual plan for demersal fisheries in the western Mediterranean (Regulation (EU) 2019/1022 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 20, 2019, OJEU L172/1) introduces the concept of maximum allowable fishing effort. It is based in fixing a maximum number of fishing days per year to adjust fishing mortality to stock status. Other possible technical measures that could complement the fishing time reduction are the implementation of permanent and seasonal closures, selectivity improvements and local co-management plans. The multi-annual plan for demersal fisheries in the western Mediterranean introduces a seasonal bottom trawling ban within 6 nautical Management of Mediterranean fisheries must change to adjust fishing mortality to stock status.

کلمات کلیدی:
Fisheries management, Mediterranean Sea, Marine biodiversity, co-management plans.

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