بررسی ارقام کلزا تحت شرایط دیم مناطق گرمیسیر در مزارع زارعین استان کرمانشاه

  • سال انتشار: 1388
  • محل انتشار: سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: R-1094595
  • زبان مقاله: فارسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 217
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حسین حاتم زاده

ابراهیم دارایی

نصرت الله فلاحی

محمد کریمی


علیرضا صفری

پرویز باوندپور

مصطفی روشنی


Considering to earliness in spring varieties as compare to the autumn and for escaping from drying end of growing season, finding high seed yield varieties, are important. Therefore, evaluation of superior varieties in farmer fields is accounted one of important stages in varieties introduction. This research performed in three areas of kermanshah province (Ghasreshirin, Sarpolzahab and Guilangharb). Seven varieties (Spring B.napus) were compared in RCBD with three replications in fall planting under rain fed conditions. Planting did by hand. Each plot had five rows 5-meter long, row to row distance was 30 cm. Observations was made on 8 variables during crop growth and after harvesting. Guilangharb and Ghasreshirin results showed that there were significant differences at 1% and 5% probability level respectively among varieties for seed yield. Even though, seed yields mean were not economic at two areas above because of atmosphere conditions. But, RGS003 and PP-308-8 varieties were earliness. Sarpolzahab results showed that there were significant differences at 1% probability level among varieties for seed yield. Taparoo and RGS003 varieties included the highest seed yields (1653.78 and 1273.78 Kg/ha respectively). It is need to say, Taparoo and RGS003 varieties were suitable and plantable for Sarpolzahab under warm rain fed conditions and similar climates for fall planting. Also, PP-308-8, RGS003 and Taparoo can be used in breeding programs in order to produce earliness varieties.

کلیدواژه ها

منداب,ارقام,ویژگی های زراعی,عملکرد زراعی,مناطق گرمسیر

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