Simulation of Torpedo Anchors with fins for floating offshore platforms under pull-out forces

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 632

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 آذر 1394

چکیده مقاله:

According to the increasing exploration projects, derivation and removal of hydrocarbon reservoirs in deep water and the impossibility or difficulty and cost of access to the sea bed, for holding a variety of immovable oil platforms, Offshore and marine structure engineering try to extend to using floating and semi-submersible platforms in deep-water in the world. Due to the deployment of these platforms, it is necessary to connect the anchor to the seabed with mooring line and keep the platforms stable and immovable.Torpedo-shaped anchors, with advantages such as cheap, easy to install, you can re-use and fast installation and do not require special tools to install the agents and contractors further consideration and they are interested in using torpedo anchors for semi-submersible and floating platforms.Few studies of the behavior of torpedo anchor on the sea bed's soil in laboratory and field have been done.In this research, torpedo anchor under tensile force is modeled under tensile force and it is drawn out from inside of soil. For this purpose, the method was used to determine is the specific torpedo location change in soil. Finite element modeling software is used to show soil and a torpedo-shaped behaviors. And finally capacities that they are obtained by calculating (the forces and capabilities) were compared using API Regulations.The output results can be seen by examining the capacities obtained by modeling finite element software capacity and the calculation formulas are reasonably consistent API Regulations.It is obviously that the obtained capacity from the modeling, finite element computer modeling capacity and the forces calculated from API formula (equations) are reasonably consistent.


Esamil Radgohar

MS. Marine structure. Civil engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran, Iran,

Mohammad Raie

PHD, Marine structure, Texas at Austin Un, Professor of Civil engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology,Tehran, Iran,

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